A mold was made of the 'raw' squash tendril as it was picked out of the garden (mold not shown).

Wax was injected into first mold. A
prosthetic loop was attached to the top of the wax model that will serve as a bail for the earring. (Item to left in 2nd pic).
A secondary prototype mold was made of the wax model with loop on top. (Right part of 2nd pic).
Once the mold is made, the model is cut out and molten wax is injected into the cavity. (The all red model sitting on mold is an injected wax model.) This gives you a near-perfect representation of the model.
The injected wax model will now be transformed into metal. The metal piece will be cleaned up (especially where the loop was attached). This piece will become the metal 'master'.
A production mold will be made from this metal piece.
My sincere hope is that the earring will be 'reversible', so that by flipping one earring over, there will be an opposing, yet matching 'pair' of earrings. If it does not work, I will just shoot myself.
Because of advances in casting, the final product will be a near exact representation of the original squash tendril (with loop attached and about 7% smaller than original tendril).