Best of the best websites that might interest our customers:
Sandra Arteaga's dolls are beyond wonderful. A link to her blog should get you started enjoying her work.
emporium 51: Hands down, finest rabbit portraits on the web.
and more photography from ellemoss with exploding heads!
Pteridomania Drawings & mixed media artwork by Carly Drew
(These are websites not related to jewelry, arts or crafts, but may be of interest to our readers. That, or no-one else would link to them, so we had to.)
USDA: If you live on the west coast, USA, you are familiar with the giant snails that carry off pets and small children. Here is a solution.
Hugo awards: Think you might have missed reading a really good sci-fi book from the past? You could do worse than scanning the past Hugo award winners. Oh and the Cambpell winners too.
NASA: Why would anyone go anywhere else for wallpaper images?
Project Gutenburg:
Above three links will give you many, many lifetimes of older public domain books to read online or download, the last is audio recordings.
A thanks to mommaj and april for featuring our work!
* Please note: We do not respond to recommended websites, or link exchange requests.
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